Cat Risk Development Platform (CRDP)

We are proud of our Cat Risk Development platform which is the results of 20 years experience in catastrophe hazard and risk modeling powered by a group of young enthusiastic software developers

Cat Risk Development Platform is a GIS-based computational tool specifically designed and developed to perform geo-statistical analyses on earth-science data to generate various data layer components of a cat model. It is the results of 20-year experience in catastrophe hazard and risk modeling, incorporating innovative and state-of-the-art approaches in catastrophe hazard modelling. In addition to normal GIS geo-spatial analyses, we have developed many peril-specific geo-statistical tools in vector and raster formats, specifically designed to capture, analyze, verify and visualize geo-science information.

CRDP is equipped with tools for integration of model assets towards development of various model components such as stochastic event set, hazard footprint and further tools for integration of model components to deploy complete set of model data for further implementation in analytical platforms such as Oasis LMF and NRMC. The tool has facilities to preform sensitivity analyses for each component of a cat model to test various hypotheses and further verification of modelled components against other published information.